Tuesday 9 July 2013

Textual analysis of John Newman

The genre of the video and artist are both pop/ soul. 
There is a typical narrative as the couple meet across a room 'love at first site'.
There are both expected and unexpected parts in this video: it is expected that we would see a performance part in this video however there is a very unexpected  part at the end of the when the couple get hit by a van. 
Three of the five stages of equilibrium are seen in this video however disruption is seen twice because of the crash at the end of the video. 
There is only one link between lyrics and visuals which is the idea of love. 
In the video it is represented that women need men around her to be able to go out to a club with used to be very stereotypical. 
The video is some what colourful bit still shows some darkness which reflects the lyrics and narrative. 
There are low angles used on the couple to show power, close ups are also used to show emotions of people in the video. 
The editing it quite fast paced to show how quickly the relationship moved. 
The target audience for the video is people between the age of 17 to 24 demographic group E/D as well as fans of the band. 

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