The narrative of the video is not typical because you rarely see a troubles relationship between neighbours, it is usually seen between a couple.
There are expected and unexpected parts of the video: it is expected that you would see the band performing at some point on the video. However it was unexpected that the lyrics didn't match the narrative of the video.
The story line of the video revolves around between two neighbouring houses. Each house has a couple that are completely opposite and argue because of this.
In this video three of the five stages of equilibrium. Disruption, recognition and equilibrium.
There are four recognisable character however it is difficult to define what type of character they are.
Gender is represented in a slightly stereotypical way, the men are badly behaved and it is left for the girlfriends to control them.
Bright colours are used throughout the video to show the comical side of the video.
Low angles and point of view shots are used a lot to show the power the two men can have over each other. Point of view shots are also used to show what is happening to them over time.
The editing it quite fast paced and continuous.
The target audience for this video are for fans of the band between arpund 14 and 20, demographic group E/D.
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