Thursday, 11 July 2013

The Purpose of a Music Video

The main purpose of music videos to Promote an artists work and advertise the artist. Another purpose of a music video is to entertain the target audience of the artist and leave a last impression on the audience so they remember the video and the artist.

Music video are a marketing device that allows the artist to advertise themselves and use them of another way to entertain their fans as well as the public, they can promote their songs and spark interest from the public that aren't already aware of the artist, by showing videos on music channels for example Kerrang! or 4Music the public are introduced to the band, the band also gain money from being played on the channel and the interest it sparks within the public will lead to an increase in sales for that band. Music videos can help sell merchandise from the band as well as other comapines for example The Blackout! sell t shirts with lyrics on them that link to songs and msic videos.
A good example of how to sell a music video is seen in an All Time Low video to 'I Feel Like Dancin' where in the narrative we see the sterotypical ways in which some artists make marketing through product placement and using intertextuality and voyeurisnm.

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